How Can a Theft Attorney in Riverside CA Help Your Case?

How Can a Theft Attorney in Riverside CA Help Your Case?

If you’re facing a theft charge in Riverside, then you know how difficult this situation can be. Theft is actually a pretty common crime but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a lot to consider as you search for the right theft attorney in Riverside CA. When you work with Chambers Law Firm, you’re working with a dedicated attorney who will always have your best interests in mind.

The many types of theft crimes in California

California Penal Code separates thefts into several different categories. They include:

  • Petty theft
  • Grand theft auto
  • Auto burglary
  • Embezzlement
  • Carjacking
  • Grand theft
  • Grand theft of a firearm
  • Burglary
  • Robbery
  • Receiving stolen property

No matter what your specific charge is, you can count on Chambers Law Firm to provide you with the best possible defense.

Possible consequences of a theft conviction

It’s likely not surprising that the penalties for theft crimes will vary depending on what you’re charged with. Petty theft generally comes with the lightest penalties, and refers to illegally taking money or goods that are worth less than $950. The first time a person is charged with petty theft, it’s automatically a misdemeanor – unless a firearm was involved – but future offenses can be charged as a felony and can result in much more significant penalties.

On the other end of the spectrum, robbery is one of the more serious theft crimes because it generally includes violence. If a defendant uses or shows a weapon during the robber, then the charge gets upgraded to aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon and the punishment can be even more severe. No matter you’re charged with, remember that a theft attorney in Riverside CA can help.

Your theft attorney in Riverside CA has defense options

In most cases, the first step we’ll take will be to try and show that the prosecution doesn’t have enough evidence to prove that you’re guilty behind a reasonable doubt. We’ll also look into the evidence to verify that it was legally obtained. In the event that it wasn’t, we will move to have it excluded. This can lead to the charges being dropped altogether. If it’s your first offense, then your theft attorney in Riverside CA may work to have the charges dropped with the agreement that you’ll complete community service and / or counseling.

No matter where you’re at right now, whether you’re only suspected of theft or you’ve already been formally charged, Chambers Law Firm is the firm you need to call. We can provide you with a comprehensive, customized defense that focuses on finding the best possible outcome for your case. To get started, call us today at 714-760-4088 and ask for your free case evaluation.

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